This logo was created for the MIT Working Group for Support Staff (WG). The WG is sponsored by MIT Human Resources to support professional development opportunities for MIT admin and to introduce new initiatives. View more logo designs on Logos + Icons

Created in Adobe Illustrator

The Project

At MIT, I served as Chair and initiated the launch of the Design Skills Subcommittee (DSS), a subset of the WG, serving admin who performed in a communications capacity and/or who aimed to incorporate design into their skill sets. After recognizing the roles of several admin throughout MIT whose roles focussed in more of a design and communications capacity as opposed to a traditional admin role. WG accepted my proposal for the start of DSS. DSS united designers working under the title of Administrative Assistant the opportunity to leverage creative and constructive insights to their current departmental design projects from a creative group, but it also established the responsibility for redesigning WG materials.

Design Objectives

The objectives of this design incorporate the theme of gathering individuals together in an inclusive and collaborative environment while maintaining a particular emphasis on people. The W conjoins two independent figures constructed in V shapes united into one. The blue-green color selection represents humanity with a nod to the classic aqua tones frequently affiliated with tech industry branding pervading throughout the MIT culture. The color gradation represents the range in diversity solidified into united solid group working.

More on This Design

Sadly, this design’s lifespan proved to be very short. Fret not for its loss however, as the newer, collaboratively cultivated WG logo design soon replaced this one as part of the DSS pledge to all of the WG in making DSS executed designs a collaborative process.