
Charts & Graphs

Ten Year Anniversary Timeline

This chart illustrates the progression through ten years of successful milestones leading up to the anniversary of the financial firm, New Frontier, which became a decade old.

2.75 x 2.25 inches
Created in Adobe Illustrator

Categorization Chart

This chart illustrates the names of faculty and their areas of expertise in an interdisciplinary $25M proposal to the National Science Foundation in 2019. Each ring of color demonstrates the faculty focus area checked or unmarked do indicate faculty’s names checked. The actual names and expertise of the faculty involved in this project were removed and replaced with the inserted “Name” as a placeholder for the sake of confidentiality.

2.5 x 2.5 inches
Created in Adobe Illustrator

Editorial Graphic

I know, I know, perhaps this is not a real graph. Technicalities aside, used in an editorial to a financial newsletter, this image illustrated the author’s opinions (sometimes remarking with an ere of absurdity) on gauging trajectory glide paths, weighing in a traditional age-based strategy vs. more advantageous approaches.

Approximately 2.25 x 2 inches
Created in Adobe Illustrator