Technical Drawings
The following drawings were used for the purposes of technical instruction to illustrate steps in various processes. The illustrations on this page (including in the graphic just below) were created in both Illustrator and Rhino. More images are soon to come.
This technical drawing depicts a mixture of plaster and paint splashed onto two conjoining hyperboloids connected by thinly roped beams interwoven among laser-cut wooden beams attached by friction fit and glue. Predicated by the belief that plaster and paint gathered between the web grooves would create a new, solid, and irregular formation when the liquid dried and hardened, revealing a new form. After this new form were to take shape, the softened wood and the rope no longer needed to support the structure would be cut away, revealing the new form.
Created in Illustrator.
Nuts & Bolts
Created in Illustrator.
Weaving Instruction
This illustration was used in a set of instructions to indicate weaving through standing spokes.
Created in Rhino.
Basic Basket Weave
This technical drawing depicts anomaly threads (shown in red) woven among otherwise set pattern.
Created in Illustrator.
This technical drawing depicts anomaly threads (shown in red) woven among otherwise set pattern.
Created in Illustrator.